Monday, January 26, 2015

New names and familiar faces appointed to the TLE Board of Directors

26 January, 2015: Grove City PA — Time Line Enterprises (TLE) announced today the names of the new Board of Directors for 2015.  

At the last meeting, the new Time-Line Enterprises Board of Directors has been voted on and installed to their positions to serve for the 2015-2016 year.  Officers are as follows:  President- Cpt. Jon J Baker, Treasurer/Secretary- Cpt. Kerry Maher, Chaplain- Cpt. Mark Oerter, Member at Large- SSgt. Kyle Britt.  All officers assumed the duties of their position immediately. Also approved by the Board of Directors Cpt. Baker will continue to as Field Commander.

“Time-Line is a growing organization, and we welcome all our members to apply for Office. By being involved in this way, our membership is more invested in seeing our Mission grow.” said CTP Jon J Baker, president of Time-Line Enterprises.

Time-Line Enterprises is a family oriented ministry and educational outreach re-enacting living history (501c3) nonprofit corporation, located in Grove City PA, who's mission is to bring Christian ministry to those in the re-enacting community and to provide educational history programs from the 1700's to present. All faiths and ages are welcome. Minors are encouraged to join with a parent or guardian.

Jon J. Baker
President, Time Line Enterprises

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