Thursday, May 9, 2013

Vietnam Experience

Well now that we are into the month of September all eyes now turn to fall and the coming holidays. BUT, we at Time-Line are looking to the next event.  After we make an apperance at Ligonier Highland Games we are going to do a class for the K.A.R.A.T. School from Greensburg.  It will be a Vietnam immersion experience.  What this means is that the school students and all participants will be treated as though they are soldiers just arriving in Vietnam and recieveing pertinant training to the theater  of combat in which they are arriving.  Some of the things may even be a bit reminisent of basic training.

All things considered we are looking to having a decent experience.  And we hope that those who come and take part in this experience feel that it is worth while.  We have done this one other time for this school and it was well recieved now we hope this will be even more intense than last year.

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