Thursday, May 9, 2013


Well folks we have just had members return from another event.  This one was Old Bedford Village,  Vietnam weekend.  It was a fantastic weekend.  Lots of great reports and lots of great news for the members.

First the weekend was well attended even though there was the threat off rain.  Yes we did have a little rain, then clear and sunny the rest of the day.  Patrols and Duece rides and chatting to vets, then more of the same.  Gearing up and taking part was so much fun.

 Then on Sunday there was the chapel service and more of the patrols and duece rides.  This time we did get showers and they were more frequent.  But those that went on the last patrol and ride still thought that it was great fun.  The rain just added to the realism of the period.  Some of the people came up and thanked us just for doing the last patrol even in the rain.

Had such a great time that we are definitely putting it on schedule for next year.  But we need to get some things all prepared now so we will be prepared for then.

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